Tuesday, December 20, 2011

'tis the season!

Holidays are notorious for baking and " tasting" and there is much licking of the spoons at every stage. Smoky almond bark, pecan fudge, lemon cookies, toffee cappuccino bars and pistachio cranberry biscotti are churned out, packaged and delivered with precision. Meanwhile I taste and re-taste. I'm never sure if everything tastes the way it should. There's so much going on in the kitchen that it all grows fuzzy until it's one big blur and I fall on the couch exhausted. I always feel a sense of dissatisfaction - it could have been softer, harder, sweeter, nuttier, crisper etc. The kids taste and re-taste and reassure me but I am inconsolable. It happens every year and it still takes me by surprise. My Type A kicks in and has a grip even while I fasten a bow on the last box that says thank you. Teachers, manicurists, hair stylists and even the mail man gets one. I am filled with relief when it's all done and quickly forget until the next Christmas comes around....

Recipe for Pecan Fudge:
2/3 cup evaporated milk
2 T butter
1 1/2 cup sugar
2 cups marshmallows
1 1/2 cups chocolate chips
1/2 cup pecans or walnuts chopped

1. Combine the evaporated milk, butter and sugar in a pan and bring to a full boil. Remove from the heat and add in the marshmallows, chocolate chips, whisking till it is incorporated.
2. Line a tin with parchment paper and pour in the fudge. Sprinkle with the nuts and chill for about 2 hours. Cut into squares and store in an airtight container.

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