Monday, September 14, 2009

Day 28 Austria

Europe-the hub of culture, fashion, art and cuisine is here at last, and how better to begin this journey but to start with Austria, a name that conjures up images of Gothic cathedrals and the grandeur of vast orchestras playing the Viennese waltz in its Opera House? You get the point- I am excited to be here... Today also happens to be my eldest sons birthday and what better way to celebrate than with the Sacher torte?

The cake is constructed out of two chocolate sponges soaked in Kirsch and sandwiched with apricot preserves. A thick coating of chocolate ganache and a chocolate glaze is used to cover the entire cake. Then comes the fun part of icing the word "Sacher" in melted chocolate. By the end of it, the cake wasn't the only thing covered in chocolate and the kitchen was overflowing with dirty dishes but the birthday boy loved it !

Moving on to Belgium; a tiny country with huge supplies of fine chocolate and fantastic beer- why don't I live there?

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful dessert. David and I were enjoying it with a nice ice cold glass of milk. Thanks for sending it home with me. They Cookies were awsome too.
