Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Day 18 Russia

The iconic Bef Stroganoff was the pick of the day- perfect for the cooler fall weather. Strips of Beef tenderloin are sautéed in butter and set aside. Onion and button mushrooms are caramelized in more butter and sprinkled liberally with flour. This helps thicken the beef broth that is used to make the sauce. Once it is simmered, the broth turns velvety and smothers the beef which is reintroduced at this point.It is seasoned with salt and pepper, Dijon mustard and a dollop of sour cream. Simple and robust, served over egg noodles, it was a welcome change to the Asian repertoire.

I snuck in a Lemon Tart to round off the meal. The sweet crunch of the pie crust did well with the burst of citrus in the filling. Yummy!!!

A few pounds heavier I head over to Singapore....


  1. I loved your lemon tart. Wish I had more. I need to learn how to mke that perfect crust.

  2. Hi Rhea, I am planning on doing a series of cooking classes. Would you be interested? Then the group can vote on the dishes they would like to learn.

  3. how I wish I could join your classes.. the lemon tart looks heavenly.... yummy!!!
